Wednesday 18 September 2019

Adventure-Mystery Novel

House of the Caduceus
An adventure, filled with spiritual mystery as a Vancouver Design firm is hired to construct an almost impossible retreat in the rugged west coast mountains of Vancouver Island.

Struggling with the elements, the small historic mining town, Zeballos, provides a dynamic meeting of Eastern and Native cultures that impact the mood, health and energy of those working on the dangerous project.
The owner of the gifted land, Airik Alcadinho discovers an environmentally friendly architect, Maria Powers and designer Karme Chan who will create his dream of building a healing retreat for under-privilege kids who strive to live in a modern world while carrying their family wishes to maintain their heritage beliefs.

Following the daily schedule of a design firm mixed with the mystical nature of an unseen energy, kundalini, the construction falls into havoc whereby the rules no longer apply and one's intuition becomes the messenger's truth as....
all buildings carry energy from the land, the architect, the contractor, everyone who works on it or lives in it, and every thing inside.....

Airik Alcadinho views Ravensong in the mountains near Zeballos.
The land must be cleansed. Attention to detail must be noted as the olde mining town carries energy of loss, mishaps and accidents. Caduceus, maintaining balance, becomes a matter of life and death as Shaman Siol Eveen guides those destined to injury and heals others as belief in the mystical movement of energy becomes second nature, living within a field of negative energy.

Novel - inspired by true events.
Available online

To cleanse the land, the original owner must be identified, its history examined and secrets uncovered. Without any knowledge of its past as to who built the original cabin, who occupied and cared for the land and other incidents that occurred over time, an intense search for the truth becomes mandatory before the healing retreat Ravensong could proceed.

Airik, Maria, Karme and their support team entangle in an adventure where a dynamic meeting of Eastern and Native cultures amalgamate in an effort to maintain balance while struggling to complete the complex project without further danger.


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Adventure-Mystery Novel

House of the Caduceus An adventure, filled with spiritual mystery as a Vancouver Design firm is hired to construct an almost impossible re...